Why is my SASSA Reconsideration still Pending?

srd sassa status check

Due to the fact that investigating the actual cause of the decline takes longer than expected, your SASSA reconsideration is still pending.

Before declining the application, SASSA conducted a deeper investigation than what the independent Tribunal does.

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Why is my SASSA Reconsideration still Pending

  • Sometimes applicants aren’t given much consideration before being approved or declined due to their size.
  • Therefore, most applicants who submit reconsideration or appeal applications see their earlier decisions reversed.
  • Because of this major feedback from the previous SRD R350, it is always necessary to apply for a reconsideration within the stipulated timeframe.
  • The SRD grant will be forfeited if no appeal or reconsideration is filed or if no appeal is filed.

Up until March 2022, you can check your appeal status at http://srd.sassa.gov.za/sc19/reconsideration. Starting in April 2022, you must visit https://srd.dsd.gov.za/appeals.

SASSA Reconsideration still Pending

Since the new threshold of R350 for one to qualify for the grant, the number of applicants who have been declined is way higher than expected.

The number of rejected applicants is higher than the number of approved applicants, according to SASSA sources.

As a result, more applicants will appeal or apply for reconsideration, requiring more time for evaluating and investigating declined applications.

Change.org has a petition sponsored by Melanie for the removal of DSD Minister Lindiwe Zulu for not making the SRD R350 grants accessible and readily available.

Lindiwe Zulu, Minister of the Department, maintains that SRD R350 applicants are experiencing a great deal of difficulty and SASSA has failed woefully in its duties.

You can sign the petition for recognition by clicking the link above. Nearly 700 signatures had been gathered from aggrieved applicants and others who have expressed concern as of the completion of this piece.

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