What Does That Mean- Post Office Not Selected for SRD R350

srd sassa status check

It has been reported that some applicants have expressed concern about the fact that, when checking the status of their SRD R350 grant application, they see that “not selected” has been entered.

In this way, SASSA allows applicants to select a post office location of their choice, so that they too can be paid at the said post office, especially those who want to collect their grants from the Post Office.As a result, on the official website of the reinstated SRD R350 grant, applicants can choose the SAPO location for convenience and collection.

[su_button style=”3d” background=”#ef972d” size=”10″ center=”yes” icon=”https://srdstatuscheck.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/cropped-cropped-Check-Sassa-R350-Status-SASSA-Gov-removebg-preview-e1661715802930.png”]SRD Sassa Status Check[/su_button]

It is possible, however, to collect your grants from any SAPO branch of your choice if you don’t select a specific location. If you do not select a specific location, then you will see the inscription “post office not selected”.

Changing or selecting your preferred SAPO branch for outstanding SRD R350 grant payments

  • Go to https://srd.sassa.gov.za/sc19/collection to view the collection
  • The “send pin” button will appear once you enter your ID number and the phone number used to apply.
  • Your phone will send you a pin. Enter it.
  • Select the branch closest to you or the one that is more convenient for you, and submit the form. SASSA will be able to plan ahead for your payments in this way.

For applicants to avoid overcrowding hours of inconvenience in long queues at the post offices, we recommend either providing their bank account details upfront when applying or switching to your preferred bank account. After standing in these queues for hours, some have shared their ordeals of being told they have run out of funds and that the collectors must come the next day.

Applicants are sometimes asked to pay R50 as a bribe before payments can be made at the post office.

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