SASSA OTP Code – All You Need To Know

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Using SASSA’s mobile phone number or email address system, SASSA generates an OTP code that verifies the ownership of SASSA accounts. SASSA account holders are provided with some level of security through it

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SASSA, as well as most webmasters, use the One Time Pin (OTP) code to make sure that anyone trying to apply for, register for, or access an account is the rightful owner, and not someone else attempting to do so.

SASSA OTP Code – All You Need To Know

As part of most SASSA applications, an OTP code is sent to the mobile number or email address the applicant provided when submitting the application. To verify that the applicant or registrant has access to the email address or phone number provided, the applicant or registrant may be asked to enter the code somewhere.

It is expected that the applicant enters the exact digits in the correct order as they are received. In most cases, the code consists of six digits and is in numbers; however, sometimes it can be alphanumeric, that is, an alphabet with numbers mixed together algorithmically.

The OTP code will be sent to the applicant when applying for an SRD R350 grant, updating or switching payment options, reconsidering, reinstating canceled applications, etc. It is just SASSA’s way of making sure that the original applicant is the one requesting the service in such cases.

The SASSA SRD R350 office website sometimes provides applicants with multiple OTP codes when they haven’t requested any services.

A system error could explain this, or perhaps someone is requesting a service without the applicant’s consent or knowledge.

If you receive any such OTP code where you have not requested, just ignore them.

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